Dumper lining is made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) laminated sheets, designed to solve inconveniences at the time of unloading, avoiding tipping and unloading speed – thus reducing the maintenance of trucks.
Ensuring a longer product life, the gutter lining system is a seamless and flexible system, following the thermal movement of the structure without causing cracks and fissures in the material.
Lightweight, non-stick material
Increases dumper life
High chemical and physical resistance
Reduces truck maintenance costs
Linings for harvester and tractor cabs need to follow safety standards to prevent accidents and injuries. The most suitable material used to make the lining ensures insulation, which is required to protect the machine operator from contact with pesticides and other chemicals.
Acoustic insulation
Protection against external and internal factors
Thermal insulation
Complies with safety standards
Gutter coating has the function of ensuring that there is no water accumulation on the roof, leaks, and excess moisture on the walls. The non-stick coating allows the rail path to be unobstructed by materials that may cause clogging.
Silos can be lined with UHMW engineered plastic, which doubles the typical life of a silo due to reduced wall wear. This type of lining also prevents the deposition and agglomeration of materials within the silos, allowing a fast and continuous flow.
Resistant and non-stick material
Great chemical resistance
Extends equipment life
Helps increasing productivity