The Urban Gallery is a large mural featuring 14 public works of art by great artists from Pernambuco! An initiative supported by @rioave with the creation of @reserva_comunicacao.:. The large collective mural was made of 3mm Expanded Bold PVC with adhesive application and can be visited in the Boa Viagem neighborhood of Recife.
These are works of art created by the great names of Pernambuco art, such as Francisco Brennand, Abelardo da Hora, Cicero Dias, Corbiniano Lins and Lula Cardoso Ayres. On the mural, each work will be accompanied by a brief summary and a QR Code for the public to check details about the author and where it is located. The code gives access to the project website ( Reserva Communication, by Márcio Quirino and Lucídio Leão, was responsible for the execution of the panel
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